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Membership & Member Projects

Membership in New Music Mosaic is a no-cost, no-obligation commitment. Members do not pay dues nor are they required or expected to contribute in any material way to projects or concerts and can resign their membership at any moment. 

What are member benefits?

Members can:

* Propose new projects

* Vote on New Music Mosaic leadership

* Participate in New Music Mosaic meetings

* Connect to a network of composers and performers that stretches the globe

What are member projects?

Member projects are one-time events, annual events, or series that are overseen by a NMM member. New Music Mosaic and its members provide support in the creation and production of the event including live-streaming, administrative support, video editing, and audio editing among other services. Member projects are supported by both the directors as well as any other members open to helping with the project.

How do I propose a project?

The process of proposing a project first requires membership. At each meeting members can propose a project. 

What happens if my proposal is accepted/declined?

We endeavor to accept every member proposal made, but sometimes the project isn't feasible.


If accepted the proposing member becomes the project lead with leadership providing support (proposing members are not expected to do all of the work themselves). Project leads are in charge of all decisions for the project, including deadlines and project specific meetings.


If denied, the proposal can be modified to address areas of concern. Members are allowed to propose as many projects as they would like and can re-propose denied projects.


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